Whale watching in Victoria

We took the ferry across from Tswwassen to Swartz Bay on Vancouver Island and then the bus down to Victoria. We got to the ferry 25 minutes early and the tickets for our boat ran out 5 minutes later! The ferry takes 90 minutes, then 30 minutes waiting for the bus and over an hour to get to Victoria. We didn’t realise it would take that long and nearly missed the whale watching trip we had booked for 12:15. We just had enough time to grab an ice-cream on the wharf for lunch before joining the queue to board the jet boat. I don’t know what we quite expected from this trip but it wasn’t very exciting and we wouldn’t do it again. None of the whales breached, so it’s a bit like watching grass grow, although the boat ride was very enjoyable. The weather was just perfect for eating outdoors, so we found a nice restaurant with seating outside and had a lovely meal and a few drinks before embarking on the long-winded trip back home.

whoever sits at the top of the rocks is the "boss"
The raccoon family I had seen as we arrived at our RV park in Vancouver never did come back which was a little disappointing, as I really would like to photograph one.

The weather this year was in complete contrast to what we encountered in Canada last year when it rained pretty much everyday. So we can see that we will be spending a lot more time there in the summer months to come.

We came through a very busy border crossing on the i5 and ended up in the wrong lane as we had followed other RV’s. Lindsay explained that when we had realised we were locked into the lane (by barriers) we were in. He just asked us what vegetables we had and when were leaving the States and let us through. It’s the easiest crossing we have had yet.


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