Lion's prize

Masai Mara National Park

Day 5

Morning Tea
 The sun is out but the clouds are building.

The tracks are still pretty muddy
The rain is coming, better put the roof on
I don't know what it is about Africa, but the sunrises and sunsets here are stunning
Mating lions - love isn't always perfect
Little birds usually like plants with spikes as it makes them feel safer

Large herds of zebra on this trip
Saddle Billed Stork
They say we all need to do something with our hands, animals groom,
people used to smoke, now they play with their phones
Hartebeest, similar to a Topi but they are a lighter shade on their rump, and the horns and ears are different
I'm not sure where I'm going but I'm just making sure everyone knows it's mine
This lion spent ages moving this wildebeest but there weren't any trees or bushes close by. There were 18 hyena's waiting to see if he would leave it and a few vbulchers had gathered. Slowly they all left as they realised he wasn't giving it up any time soon.

The hyenas wait patiently for the lion to give up his wildebeest 

We check our emails just before dinner as there is internet in the mess room but we are not allowed any devices out near the fire which is fair enough. We find out that 87 elephants in Botswana have been killed by poachers for their tusks and we are all devastated. These wonderful giants are so family orientated. Someone explains that the reason the elephants are so aggressive in Kruger National Park is because they partially culled a herd and those that survived have passed on their hatred of humans, and rightly so, onto their offspring. I don't think I want to go to Kruger.

Day 6

Don't know what this little guy is and he didn't stick around for a chat
Jackal cub outside his burrow
Hunting Leopold
We watched this Leopold stalking a group of zebras for about half an hour. He had no chance. When the long grass ran out he ran back the other way. Maybe he as just practicing stalking.

Meanwhile the zebras were oblivious. Some had their own scores to settle.
Just like horses - lots of biting and kicking
Baby elephant learning what his trunk is for

Martin, Conny, Dirk & Duncan - yep you can get reception in the middle of the Masai Mara
Splendid Starling
Lion cubs

2nd and 3rd September 2018

Day 1 & 2: The rains of Africa
Day 3 & 4: An unlikely trio
Day 7 & 8: Very special lion day
Day 9 & 10: not published yet


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